Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium
BurooZ is one of Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium.

1. BurooZ

Duboisstraat 50, Antwerpen, Provincie Antwerpen
Coworking Space · Antwerp · 3 tips and reviews

Roeland P.Roeland Perdaens: Meeting venue for Antwerpen ToastmastersEvery 1st and 3rd Thursday at 19:45 ..Guests are welcome, just send an email to

Vlerick Business School is one of Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium.

2. Vlerick Business School

Reep 1 (Seminariestraat), Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen
University · Centrum-Zuid · 17 tips and reviews
Square Ambiorixsquare is one of Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium.

3. Square Ambiorixsquare

Square Ambiorixsquare, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Park · Brussel · 11 tips and reviews
Baron August de Becker Remyplein is one of Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium.

4. Baron August de Becker Remyplein

Baron August de Becker Remyplein, Kessel-Lo, Vlaams-Brabant
Plaza · 1 tip
Sportcentrum Olympia is one of Toastmasters' meeting places in Belgium.

5. Sportcentrum Olympia

Kuringersteenweg 242, Hasselt, Limburg
Sports and Recreation · 12 tips and reviews

Roeland P.Roeland Perdaens: Meeting venue for Toastmasters Hasselt every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 20:00 meeting in the Theaterzaal