Adjie's Saved Places
Hotel Candiview is one of Adjie's Saved Places.

1. Hotel Candiview

Jalan Rinjani No.12, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Roof Deck · 1 tip

Adjie S.Adjie Setyawan: Salah satu venue alternative buat wedding dengan pemandangan kota yg bagus

Toko OEN is one of Adjie's Saved Places.

2. Toko OEN

Jalan Pemuda No. 52 (Jl. Pemuda No. 52), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Ice Cream Parlor · 158 tips and reviews
Central Park is one of Adjie's Saved Places.

3. Central Park

59th to 110th St (btwn 5th Ave & Central Park W), New York, NY
Park · Central Park · 1844 tips and reviews

John M.John Moore: Went for a run around the Reservoir at sunset and watched the lights come up on Manhattan as the city dresses for the evening. Read more.

Solaria is one of Adjie's Saved Places.

4. Solaria

Java Supermall Lt. 2 (Jalan MT Haryono No 992-994), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Asian Restaurant · 12 tips and reviews

cynthia d.cynthia dastiana: Mba nya suka lama ngelayaninnya :(