Important Reminder:The Foursquare City Guide app officially sunset on December 15, 2024, with the web version following in early 2025. However, your check-in journey doesn’t end here! Join us on Swarm, where new adventures await.
Persian Restaurant · Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf · 6 tips and reviews
Bahman S: Sundays you can have kalepache here with reservation. They serve it from 11am. It was very good, really delicious. But I didn't like the kebabs.
Bahman S: One the best places to buy English books in Berlin. The prices are so reasonable (less than what it should be) but I didn't like the way they organised the books. A little confusing
Bahman S: يه پيرمرد خيلي خسته و يكي خيلي بداخلاق. ميزهاي زشت، سرويس افتضاح، قهوه بد. يه بار هم زياديه اينجا رفتن. فقط اينجا رو به توريستا معرفي نكنيد تو رو خدا.
Kebab Restaurant · District 6 · 21 tips and reviews
Bahman S: کلا فقط یه نوع غذا دارن، اون هم کاسه کبابه. چنجه، کوبیده، قارچ و گوجه همراه با کلی کره داخل هر کاسه کباب هست. صبحونه هم سرشیر عسل دارن که تا قبل از ساعت ۱۰ سرو میشه