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Suggestions for Bus Station near R.E.N.F.E., Málaga

    • ?
      (Estación de Autobuses de Málaga)
      Bus Station
      Paseo de los Tilos, s/n, Málaga
      • Matías S. Z.

        Matías S. Z. • February 21, 2012Marbella Exprés is extremely comfortable and has a WiFi hotspot. Although, it's kinda expensive in summer

    • ?
      Bus Station
      c/ Héroes de Sostoa, 2-6 (con C.C. Vialia María Zambrano), Málaga
    • ?
      Bus Station
      Paseo de los Tilos, s/n, Málaga
    • 7.4
      (Estación de Málaga-María Zambrano)
      Rail Station
      Explanada de la Estación, s/n, Málaga
      • Torben Hvolmgaard S.

        Torben Hvolmgaard S. • April 17, 2016A very modern station with fine information boards on trains for example Renfe AVE to Madrid (less than 3 hours journey). The building also includes a shopping area. The bus station is next door.

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