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Suggestions for Golf Course near Llucmajor

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      Golf Course
      Marriott Son Antem (Autovia de Llevant Ma-19, Sortida 20), Llucmajor
      • Jordi V.

        Jordi V. • July 17, 2015Dos excelentes campos de golf! el ESTE es un campo mas de resort. el OESTE es mas tecnico. en medio de un paraje natural, y pocos edificios cercanos. A 15 minutos de palma.

    • 8.5
      • Caroline C.

        Caroline C. • March 17, 2014Wonderful place to enjoy the sun and some golf. they mention 2x18 holes but this is not true if you have an handicap 25 for men and 35 for woman!! Renting a bag is much better than renting clubs

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