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Suggestions for Soccer Stadium near Fuorigrotta, Naples

    • 7.8
      Via Giambattista Marino (Piazzale Vincenzo Tecchio), Napoli
      • Harvey T.

        Harvey T. • December 24, 2015The best sports game I've been to! I sat in the spot were we stood on our seats the entire game (bring water), huge flags waving (duck your head), and the weed and gas bombs roamed free.

    • ?
      • Marco F.

        Marco F. • March 15, 20123 campi, parcheggio custodito, spogliatoi piccoli, terreno di gioco dissestato. Quando nel risto pub attiguo ci sono feste, spesso salta la corrente sui campi. Prezzo 70 euro per un'ora

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