Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia
Sun Plaza is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

1. Sun Plaza

Jl. KH. Zainul Arifin No. 7 (Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro), Medan, North Sumatera
Shopping Mall · Madras Hulu · 665 tips and reviews

Ananda L.Ananda Laksono: Enjoy shopping and traveling at the biggest mall in medan

Plaza Medan Fair is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

2. Plaza Medan Fair

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 30 (Jl. Iskandar Muda), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 141 tips and reviews

Delfi D.Delfi Dewi: Plaza Medan Fair merupakan salah satu pusat belanja teramai di kota Medan.Plaza Medan Fair dirancang oleh perusahaan arsitektur di Singapura dengan konsep modern, bernuasa nyaman dan fleksibel.

Cambridge City Square is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

3. Cambridge City Square

Jl. Letjend. S. Parman No. 217 (Jl. K.H. Zainul Arifin), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 182 tips and reviews
Palladium Mall is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

4. Palladium Mall

Jalan Kapten Maulana Lubis No. 8 (Jalan Pengadilan), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 66 tips and reviews

Yumardi W.Yumardi Wijaya: Bakmi Guangzhou, Mi Pansit Cung Sim, Hypermart, Matahari, Gramedia, Studio 21, Snooker Pool, Food Court Centre, Apollo Cafe Resto

Medan Mall is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

5. Medan Mall

Jl. LetJend. M.T. Haryono (JL. Pusat Pasar ; JL. MT Haryono), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 68 tips and reviews

Evie S.Evie Sylvianti: Shoping buat jualan enak tuch..harga nya banting setir....

Thamrin Plaza is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

6. Thamrin Plaza

Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 75R, Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 125 tips and reviews

vv a n t ovv a n t o: One of the oldest mall in Medan, this mall is refresh it's face. And now, there's a lot of well known brand open their stand here. Bravo!!!

Medan Plaza is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

7. Medan Plaza

Jalan Iskandar Muda No. 321 (Jalan Gatot Subroto), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 29 tips and reviews

Leo Chris EvanLeo Chris Evan: Termasuk mall yang murah di Medan..The Real Fact..

Millennium ICT Center is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

8. Millennium ICT Center

Jl. Kapten Muslim No. 111, Medan, North Sumatra
Electronics Store · 99 tips and reviews

Fandra N.Fandra Nasution: Pusat Belanja Handphone se Sumatera Utara

Yuki Simpang Raya is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

9. Yuki Simpang Raya

Jalan Amaliun (Jalan Sisingamangaraja), Medan, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 29 tips and reviews

Tina M.Tina Manurung: tempat perbelanjaan yg sangat sepi. and the goods are not that interesting.

Maju Bersama Swalayan is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

10. Maju Bersama Swalayan

Jalan Yos Sudarso No. 123-125 (Glugur), Medan, North Sumatra
Supermarket · 17 tips and reviews

Irwan S.Irwan Sumadi: beli keperluan sehari2x murah disini

Brastagi Supermarket is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

11. Brastagi Supermarket

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 288, Medan, North Sumatra
Supermarket · 163 tips and reviews

Ari A.Ari Azhari: here's the place where u can find complete tea from Dilmah, Twinnings, etc. from Herbal Infusion to flavored tea. from English Breakfast to Darjeeling. nowhere in Medan but here :)

Binjai SUPERMALL is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

12. Binjai SUPERMALL

Jl. Soekarno - Hatta No. 14 (Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda), Binjai, North Sumatra
Shopping Mall · 84 tips and reviews

Erniwati S.Erniwati Silitonga: Lengkap ada Gramedia Book Store, Cinema 21, aneka butik pakaian, Hypermart, Aneka Aksesoris, Stoberi

MAKRO Ponsel is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

13. MAKRO Ponsel

Plaza Medan Fair Lt. 4 (Jalan Gatot Subroto), Medan, North Sumatra
Electronics Store · 58 tips and reviews

Ismafitria I.Ismafitria Idris: makan, belanja bulanan, dan belanja baju2 murah disini tempatnya..

Pasar Petisah is one of Must Visit Shopping Centers in Medan, Indonesia.

14. Pasar Petisah

Jalan Kota Baru 3 (Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto), Medan, North Sumatra
Department Store · 79 tips and reviews

Naomi Adri Paramitha SinuhajiNaomi Adri Paramitha Sinuhaji: Shop till u drop, but don"t forget u must give the cheaper price offer 1st or u will be bankrupt hehehe