Highsnobiety: Soto has without a doubt become one of the most interesting mens fashion and lifestyle stores in Berlin. Brands from the US, Japan and Scandinavia are mostly represented in the store, including Band o
Nicole: Ein kleines, sehenswertes Museum. Etwas "anders" - Türen gehen auf, Schubladen werden aufgezogen. Die DDR wird lebensnah präsentiert - auch wenn der Trabi mal wieder nicht anspringt...
Parker H: This probably won't be the first or last time you hear it, but the Flat White here is amazing. And in the summer, their ice cream coffee is killer!
Reichenberger Str. 101 (Glogauer Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Coffee Shop · Kreuzberg · 412 tips and reviews
Johnny Adams: Great new specialty coffee shop on shady Reichenbergerstraße. They roast their own beans and bake their own cakes. Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.