Hotel Isola Bella

Hotel Isola Bella


L'Hotel Isola Bella si trova a Taormina di fronte alla baia dal quale prende il nome, poco distante dal mare e dalla funivia che porta in centro.

Taormina - Italia
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Hotel Isola Bella
9 places updated December 3, 2012
9 places including Piazza Duomo, Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano, Odeon Romano, Palazzo Corvaja
Hotel Isola Bella
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Hotel Isola Bella
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    "In this square you can find the Duomo Church and a Baroque fountain with mythological figures, which is the emblem of the city."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 3, 2012
    · Taormina, Italia
    "This sqare offers a splendid view of the Greek theatre, the bay of Giardini Naxos and the formidable Mount Etna. This terrace attracts crowds that congregate near the railings to admire the view."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 3, 2012
    · Taormina, Italia
    "The clock-tower acts as an entrance gate to the medieval city."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 3, 2012
    Historic and Protected Site
    · Taormina, Italia
    "The public garden was donated by the Cacciola-Trevelyan family during the 1920s. Inside, there is a thick vegetation and a typically Mediterranean array of hedges and flower-beds."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 3, 2012
    · Taormina, Italia
    "The Palazzo Duchi di Santo Stefano was the home of the De Spuches family, a noble family of Spanish origin, who were Dukes of S. Stefano di Brifa and Princes of Galati, two towns in the Messina area."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 2, 2012
    Art Museum
    · Taormina, Italia
    "The Duomo was originally built in the thirteenth century, but substantially modified during the Renaissance. The simple facade has 3 sections. The interior is divided into a nave and 2 aisles."
    Hotel Isola BellaHotel Isola Bella · December 2, 2012
    · Taormina, Italia