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Suggestions for Cultural Center near Santa Maria de Belém, Lisbon

    • 9.3
      (Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB))
      Cultural Center
      Pç. do Império (R. Bartolomeu Dias), Lisboa
      • Heitor B.

        Heitor B. • July 18, 2016One of my favorite places in Lisbon, you can see a modern architecture, but classic things once you´re inside. I don´t remember how much the ticket fare is, but I´m sure worth it.

    • ?
      Cultural Center
      Rua da Junqueira, 5, Lisboa
    • Category icon
      Cultural Center
    • 9.1
      R. de Belém, 84-92, Lisboa
      • Belém Bairro Cultural b.

        Belém Bairro Cultural b. • July 14, 2012Pastéis de Belém 175 anos presents the interactive guide Belém Bairro Cultural. Find museums and cultural centers, historic buildings and monuments, gardens, monasteries and much more.

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