Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Berlin to go with friends:

  • 9.4


    Modern European Restaurant Gerichtstr. 54 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Tao T.
      Tao Tao: "Japan meets Noma meets Berlin. Best overall dining experience in Berlin right now. Small plates, more on the subtle flavor side of things. $$$$"
  • 9.5

    Großer Tiergarten

    Park Straße des 17. Juni Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (236 tips):

    • Vangelis K.
      Vangelis Koukidis: "Amazing city center park. Nature at its best, you forget where you are. The lakes, the grass fields, the trees, the flowers... LOVE this place!"
  • 9.4

    Urban Nation

    Art Gallery Bülowstr. 7 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (30 tips):

    • Pim
      Pim: "Excellent street art museum hosting work by impressive range of artists. Tries hard to justify street art as art with bloated descriptions. Be sure to walk below the U-bahn for some more street art."
  • 9.4

    Dussmann English Bookshop

    Bookstore Friedrichstr. 90 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (25 tips):

    • Dhyani M.
      Dhyani Marga: "Love love love this place!! You can also go to the special counter at the english book sections and order the book you want!!"
  • 9.4

    Bräugier Brewpub

    Beer Bar Stubbenkammerstr. 6 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (15 tips):

    • Ania P.
      Ania P.: "Great beer and friendly service"
  • 9.3


    Wine Bar Forster Str. 5 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (55 tips):

    • Mark S.
      Mark Szabo: "Super awesome place. Professional recommendation wine vs. food. Food selection after you have a chat talk to the italian chef. The owner is an absolute connoisseur of wine."

People are talking about these places in Berlin:

  • 9.4

    Treptower Park

    Park Am Treptower Park Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (112 tips):

    • Matthias
      Matthias: "This is probably my favourite park in all of Berlin. You can either chill by the water or anywhere on the big green areas. You can even enjoy some culture by checking out the russian memorial. 😊"
    • Caroline A.
      Caroline Adam: "Love this place! Make a walk from the park to the wonderful forest just next to the Spree river and enjoy Berlin's nature!"
  • 9.4

    Tempelhofer Feld

    Park Tempelhofer Damm Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (140 tips):

    • Samuel W.
      Samuel Winderö: "Rent some bikes go there and peddle away. Loads of fun, good training. Bring snacks or why not bring a basket of them. You can turn it to a full day thing without being bored."
    • a. a.: "Former airport turned into recreation park. Huge outdoor space that is used for picnics, running, biking, rollerblading, kite skating etc. Absolutely love it. Must see in Berlin."
  • 9.4

    Kraftwerk Berlin

    Arts and Entertainment Köpenicker Str. 70 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (15 tips):

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