Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Rome to go with friends:

  • 9.5

    La Romana

    Ice Cream Parlor Via Cola Di Rienzo, 2 Roma, Lazio

    People also say (103 tips):

  • 9.6

    Fountain of the Four Rivers

    Fountain Piazza Navona Roma, Lazio

    People also say (113 tips):

    • Dasha K.
      Dasha Komisaruk: "I visited this place in the evening. It was breathtaking-night sky, lights everywhere and spectacular view. Probably one of my favorite places in Rome"
  • 9.3

    Il Goccetto

    Wine Bar Via dei Banchi Vecchi, 14 Roma, Lazio

    People also say (45 tips):

    • Gabi B.
      Gabi Bulumac: "Il Goccetto is my favorite kind of wine bar: small, intimate, welcoming ... a place frequented by locals because of the great selection of wines at reasonable prices ;)"
  • 9.4

    La Romana

    Ice Cream Parlor Via Venti Settembre, 60 Roma, Lazio

    People also say (341 tips):

    • Elena Basak D.
      Elena Basak D.: "Best ice cream place in Rome! Flavour names are in Italian so don't forget to bring your dictionary! 😊 They are speaking English but they are so busy to translate the flavour names to you sorry 😊"
  • 9.4

    I Dolci Di Nonna Vincenza

    Dessert Shop Via dell'Arco del Monte 98/A/B Roma, Lazio

    People also say (14 tips):

    • Melike A.
      Melike Akan: "Incredibly delicious little things. And place is not so small like other italian desert shops. There are soma tables so that you can sit and have your coffee. 1,5 € for cappuccino, so reasonable price"
  • 9.5


    Monument Piazza della Rotonda Roma, Lazio

    People also say (801 tips):

    • Benjamin 🚀
      Benjamin 🚀: "My favorite place in all of Rome! Some 2000 years old and still kicking! Spring for an audio tour to get the full experience, stop by Raphael's tomb and admire the amazing engineering! 😄🇮🇹"

People are talking about these places in Rome:

  • 9.4

    Obelisco Flaminio

    Monument Piazza del Popolo Roma, Lazio

    People also say (14 tips):

    • Anne v.
      Anne vdB: "Brought to Rome in 10 BC by Augustus with the Solare & put on the spina of Circus Maximus with the Lateranense, it was erected by Sixtus V in 1589 on pzza del Popolo; Valadier added a fountain in 1820"
    • Kapt’n Koko
      Kapt’n Koko: "This was a gift from Egypt. Go on a m obelisk hunt and you’ll never be disappointed in Rome."
  • 9.4

    Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

    Church Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore Roma, Lazio

    People also say (141 tips):

    • Chris P.
      Chris Phillips: "Rather drab-looking exterior hides a fantastic interior. The largest church dedicated to Mary in all Rome."
    • Cara D.
      Cara DeMore: "I'd say go in the daytime, because we went at night and a lot of the interior was not lit up. I could see where the light from the windows would help. A great church you otherwise!"
  • 9.4

    Sant'Angelo Bridge

    Bridge Ponte Sant'Angelo Roma, Lazio

    People also say (104 tips):

    • Gabi B.
      Gabi Bulumac: "Situated in front of Castel Sant'Angelo it's amazing that it stands almost intact for thousands of years,with lovely sculptures along the way.Only pedestrian traffic is allowed!"
    • Dave S.
      Dave Sawyer: "Beautiful statues, wonderfully lit at night, and street musicians help add to the ambiance on certain occasions."

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