You can expect plenty of bears, and the people who love them, packing the space. More than that, the bar has a friendly vibe that invites all comers to head on downtown and have a good time. Read more
341's on Friday are da bomb! Not cuz of the cheap drinks, but because it's a packed crowd of all types. Great in summer on the patio, and their tater tots are awesome! Laid back and fun!
We are promoting the new Justin Timberlake movie Friends With Benefits tomorrow during Happy Hour at the Eagle Bolt Bar! Get your free movie screening passes while they last! Be SCENE!
Wackest place. Random dude interrupted my friend talking about her job at Be the Match and said, “Does she ever shut the fuck up?” Then proceeded to call her a cunt. Barstaff took his side.
515 South Washington Avenue (at Portland Ave) Minneapolis, MN55415 United States