Best in Sozopol and around
Magic of wine boutique is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

1. Magic of wine boutique

Ulitza Apolonia 57, Созопол, Бургас
Winery · 3 tips and reviews
Куче&Куче is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

2. Куче&Куче

Къмпинг Каваците, Созопол, Бургас
Beach Bar · 5 tips and reviews
Френските палачинки is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

3. Френските палачинки

ул. Ропотамо 12, Созопол, Бургас
Breakfast Spot · 3 tips and reviews

4. Малката Текила (Little Tequila)

Градската Градина, Созопол, Бургас
Bar · 55 tips and reviews

Georgy S.Georgy Slugin: Bar #1 in Sozopol

Ресторант Вятърна Мелница is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

5. Ресторант Вятърна Мелница

ул. Морски скали 27, Sozopol, Burgas Province
Bulgarian Restaurant · 44 tips and reviews
Pizzeria Milano is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

6. Pizzeria Milano

Созопол, Созопол, Burgas Province
Pizzeria · 11 tips and reviews

Georgy S.Georgy Slugin: Удивительно правильная пицца почти в самом начале маленького старого города. Мой выбор: Прошутто с хамоном и Капрезе.

La Mouche is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

7. La Mouche

Zlatna Ribka Beach, Sozopol, Burgas Province
Beach Bar · 15 tips and reviews
Бистро "Аполония" is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

8. Бистро "Аполония"

ул. Люлин 7, Созопол, Бургас
Restaurant · 31 tips and reviews
Pepe Nero Bar & Diner is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

9. Pepe Nero Bar & Diner

ул. Георги Кондолов 16, Лозенец, Бургас
Mediterranean Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Барчето при братята (Brother's Bar) is one of Best in Sozopol and around.

10. Барчето при братята (Brother's Bar)

Лозенец, Лозенец, Бургас
Beach Bar · 52 tips and reviews