The Places To Be_Galicia
Fogar do Santiso is one of The Places To Be_Galicia.

1. Fogar do Santiso

Trasellas, s/n, Teo, Galicia
BBQ Joint · 50 tips and reviews
Bar Pitillo is one of The Places To Be_Galicia.

2. Bar Pitillo

R. Alta, 3, Pontevedra, Galicia
Tapas Restaurant · 28 tips and reviews
Il Piccolo is one of The Places To Be_Galicia.

3. Il Piccolo

R. Virxe do Camiño, 16, Pontevedra, Galicia
Italian Restaurant · 37 tips and reviews
Casa Marco is one of The Places To Be_Galicia.

4. Casa Marco

García Barbón 123, Vigo, Galicia
Spanish Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews
Follas novas is one of The Places To Be_Galicia.

5. Follas novas

Serafin avendaño 10 (Rosalia de castro), Vigo, Galicia
Spanish Restaurant · 35 tips and reviews