Le Pré aux Clercs is one of New.

1. Le Pré aux Clercs

35 rue Bonaparte (Rue Jacob), Paris, Île-de-France
French Restaurant · Saint-Germain-des-Prés · 45 tips and reviews

TravelByArtTravelByArt: The Pre aux Clercs is only a stone's throw from the Hotel d'Angleterre, where Hemingway spent his first night in Paris, staying in room 14. He often enjoyed coming here in his first days in Paris.  Read more.

Café Bar de Clermont is one of New.

2. Café Bar de Clermont

18 rue Véron, Paris, Île-de-France
Bar · Clignancourt · 11 tips and reviews

TravelByArtTravelByArt: When the fifteen-year old Edith Gassion (later Piaf) decided to separate from her father, she rented a room at the Hotel de Clermont. Piaf wanted to make her own living by singing songs on the streets Read more.

Harry's New York Bar is one of New.

3. Harry's New York Bar

5 rue Daunou (Rue Louis le Grand), Paris, Île-de-France
Cocktail Bar · Gaillon · 143 tips and reviews

TravelByArtTravelByArt: Harry's New York Bar was the second favorite haunt of Hemingway, who often frequented it with Scott Fitzgerald during their late-night escapades. Read more.

Restaurant Prunier is one of New.

4. Restaurant Prunier

16 avenue Victor Hugo (Rue de Traktir), Paris, Île-de-France
Seafood Restaurant · Chaillot · 9 tips and reviews
Le Dôme Café is one of New.

5. Le Dôme Café

108 boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, Île-de-France
Seafood Restaurant · Montparnasse · 15 tips and reviews

TravelByArtTravelByArt: It was founded in 1898 as a small cafe with billard tables. In the 1920s, Cafe du Dome became one of the most important gathering places for artists in Paris. Read more.