Old Town School of Folk Music is one of Чикаго.

1. Old Town School of Folk Music

4544 N Lincoln Ave (at W Wilson Ave), Chicago, IL
Music School · Ravenswood · 49 tips and reviews

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Take in everything from Senegalese hip-hop to tropicalia on World Music Wednesdays. It’s still a school, too, by the way: satisfy your undying urge to learn the Autoharp or oud.

iO Chicago is one of Чикаго.

2. iO Chicago

1501 N Kingsbury St (Blackhawk), Chicago, IL
Comedy Club · 88 tips and reviews

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Not only has iO churned out legendary folk like Mike Meyers and Amy Poehler, but it consistently puts the art of improv first. The shows are cheap and the classes a must for budding improvisers.

Scooter's Frozen Custard is one of Чикаго.

3. Scooter's Frozen Custard

1658 W Belmont Ave (at Paulina St.), Chicago, IL
Ice Cream Parlor · Lakeview · 60 tips and reviews

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Order a Boston shake, and quiver in awe as the towering milkshake topped with hot fudge and whipped cream is handed over.

Cafe 28 is one of Чикаго.

4. Cafe 28

1800 W Irving Park Rd (at Ravenswood), Chicago, IL
Cuban Restaurant · North Center · 38 tips and reviews

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: Cuban food goes upscale at this pleasant spot. Standards go glam with touches like saffron cream and garlic polenta. Pork chops arrive tender with plenty of honey flavor.

Victory's Banner Restaurant is one of Чикаго.

5. Victory's Banner Restaurant

2100 W Roscoe St, Chicago, IL
Breakfast Spot · Roscoe Village · 43 tips and reviews

Time Out ChicagoTime Out Chicago: We’re believers in the French toast slathered in peach butter, or the pesto-laden free-range scrambled eggs in the Satisfaction Promise, which comes with crispy potatoes and crusty bread.