One of my favorite places to stop when in NYC. Open late so I can always count on them to be open and have a fresh slice to remind me of the greatness that is a New York City Slice.
It’s good pizza. Growing up in New York to say it’s the best is a little premature. I think like anything when the hype comes the quality gets down played cuz their busting out orders. Cash only sucks
The pizza here is perfection. It's what come to mind when you think of New York pizza - or, it should be. It tastes like the memory of every great slice I had as a child. It's *that* good.
One of my favorite traditional NYC slices. No frills, cash only, paper plates, and celeb pics line the walls for good reason. Just stick with the cheese on their excellent thin and crispy crust.
Ran under the same ownership since the 1960s, a quintessential no frills slice with a perfectly crispy crust. Peter Parker's ass was fired from here at the beginning of Spider-Man 2.
Stand in line, point, pay, apply Parmesan and chili flakes from the public shakers, fold, eat and hustle back to work. Hey, now you’re practically a local. Read more
This was a fantastic pizza place. Great portions for your money, the pieces were huge, and if you like a good greasy pizza, this was the place for you. 3 slices was more than plenty to fill me up.
I wouldn't say it's the best pizza in the city, but it's still a great and pretty yummy New York slice. I liked the regular cheese slice better than the one with fresh mozzarella.
I've been to more pizza places than most will visit in their next few lives. It's a good version of your classic NY slice of pizza. There are better slices, but you gotta buy the pie. Can't go wrong
My favorite slice joint in NYC. Mozzarella is solid, pepperoni is solid, but the your best bet is the plain slice (add parm and red chili flakes, duh).
It looks so tempting fresh out of the oven, but choose a slice that's been standing if you can--the cheese stays in place much better. Crust and sauce are perfection.
Joe Pozzuoli's original 42 yr-old W Village spot. Open 'til ~4am. Get a reliable classic NYC pizza slice here: plain cheese, fresh mozz, pepperoni+mushroom or Sicilian.
Perfect late night slice. Ask for it to be extra hot. Sit by the window and schmooze. Ask someone cool looking for their red chili flakes-- good opener.
The key to Joe's success is their traditional New York City-style pizza with thin crust, great sauce, and just the right ratio of cheese, sauce, and crust (just a bit less of the first two). Read more
Whoever says this slice isn't going to blow your mind is either habitually wrong about all things in life, or from Chicago where they think deep-dish is life. Joe's is the galaxy's greatest pizza pie.
Pizza is judged by the plain slice indeed. One plain cheese slice. 2.75 - going price for pizza nowadays. Decent, but not mind blowing. Sauce is decent, could be cheesier. Crust was thin. Good pizza.
If you're a carnivore like me, you'll adore the Meat Lover's pizza from TJoe's Pizza Loaded with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and ham, every bite is bursting with flavor.
Delicious authentic NYC slice of pizza. So thin, with the crunch, and they use freshly crushed tomatoes for their sauce... Foodie HEAVEN. Plain, pepperoni (spicier) but the fresh mozz is the best!!!
What you're ordering: Plain slice Located in the heart of the Greenwich Village, to some this is the quintessential NY slice, and by "some" we mean the insanely famous people in the photos.
Came here based on youtube's worth it series. It was good, especially the margherita but I thought it would be a bit better. Still, yummy & a good price... also open til late which is another +
A classic New York City slice, with sauce you can taste, from a longtime player. Still my favorite, in 2011. Walk towards Bleecker to Grom for an outstanding, if pricey, gelato for dessert.
Buzzfeed brought me here. I did have a pretty good pizza pie slice, yoy know what they say: pizza is like sex; good pizza is always awesome, bad pizza... Is still pretty good.
It seems like the city's best pizza is all centered in the West Village. Joe's is just another amazing spot for a slice. If you love thin crust, you'll get one of the city's best here.
Joe’s Pizza, a Greenwich Village institution since 1975, serves the best, classic New York slice around. Grab yourself a quintessential NYC slice today!