New York Penn Station

New York Penn Station

Rail Station
Chelsea, New York
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    Has a stamp of approval from The New Yorker and The Corcoran Group
    • The New Yorker
    • The Corcoran Group
  • Tips
    Anna S.
    "Ridding Amtrak love it!!"(111 Tips)
    Michelle K.
    "The best bagels in the morning are at zaro's near NJ transit"(63 Tips)
    Greg M.
    "Acela to DC or Boston is awesome."(25 Tips)
    Chris R.
    "Very efficient (most of the time) in spite of how crowded it gets."(29 Tips)
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  • amtrak
  • nj transit
  • acela
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  • Matthew C.heart icon on user image
    Matthew CaldecuttMay 13, 2018
    Been here 100+ times
    Wait in the LIRR Waiting Room, where you can charge your phone, or get a bite at Wasabi or Shake Shack. There are two Starbucks too. The Pennsy food court is also a great option.
    Upvoted 1 week ago
  • Dennis B.heart icon on user image
    Dennis BJuly 9, 2016
    Been here 5+ times
    If you're new here and want an actual seat on your train, please understand that you must prepare to run (or at least walk like hell) at the exact moment that its track number comes up on the board.
    Upvoted 2 days ago
  • Will H.heart icon on user image
    Will HarahanOctober 25, 2018
    Been here 10+ times
    “Of Penn Station, the renowned architecture writer Vincent Scully wrote something along the lines of, “Where once we strode into the city like emporers, we now scuttle in like rats.”
  • Gary R.heart icon on user image
    Gary RelojJanuary 4, 2015
    Been here 10+ times
    PSA: Never buy your ticket at the first kiosk you see, there are other ones with shorter lines. Also, don't walk and text - it's a health hazard to you and others around you.
    Upvoted Dec 5, 2024
  • Ira B.heart icon on user image
    Ira BMay 13, 2017
    Been here 50+ times
    Convenient location and plenty of places to grab a bite before your trip. The station suffers from a ton of track issues, delays and commuting problems, mostly due to the outdated infrastructure.
  • Paul F.heart icon on user image
    Paul FortJanuary 30, 2013
    Been here 10+ times
    After a bad day you can cheer yourself up by yelling "tickets" as you enter each train car on your way to the bathroom. You'll get to see a lot of tickets. And a lot of annoyed people.
    Upvoted 1 week ago
  • Stephanie D.
    Stephanie DonahueJanuary 15, 2012
    Been here 100+ times
    Walk don't stop let the locals get to work!! If you are going to any shore points in the summer get there early for your tickets the Lirr is packed starting at 7:30am.
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupJanuary 27, 2012
    Been here 100+ times
    Did you know that leashed dogs are allowed in the station? You can take Fido on your next trip out East or to the Shore, but he must be in a crate when you board the train.
    DCCARGUY William HopperJuly 25, 2018
    Been here 25+ times
    Use the @amtrak app to monitor the status of the train you are taking. Penn Station is as busy place.
  • Bobby N.
    Bobby NooromidFebruary 24, 2013
    Been here 50+ times
    Be sure to download the LIRR app (, which has a trip planner (no Internet connection is required), station info, scheduled arrivals, service advisories and a multi-touch map.
  • Allison P.
    Allison ParrishDecember 7, 2018
    Been here 5+ times
    take whatever small pleasure you can in your eventual mastery of this trash-hole's labyrinthine passages, derelict shops and moist moist restrooms
  • Melanie C.
    Melanie ClarkJuly 4, 2013
    Red Caps are awesome!!! Get on the train first and they load your bags. Even one full from a month away from home. Great, free service, but please remember to tip!
  • J Crowley
    J CrowleyApril 8, 2011
    Been here 5+ times
    PRO TIP: Waiting for Amtrak and hoping to get a window seat? Don't stare at the board like a zombie. Make nice with the info booth person. They'll tip you off of the track ahead of time.
  • Alex F.heart icon on user image
    Alex FishJune 15, 2011
    Been here 50+ times
    The best spot for air condition when waiting for NJT is in the LIRR first concourse next to Don Pepi Express and phone booths
  • NYC Pride
    NYC PrideNovember 29, 2011
    A proud sponsor of New York City Pride, Amtrak offers comfortable, convenient travel at an affordable price. Plenty of leg room and power outlets in every row. A great way to get where you're going!
    Upvoted Dec 22, 2024
  • Sandra R.
    Sandra RubinchikJanuary 4, 2015
    Been here 100+ times
    If you didn't get a chance to print your Amtrak ticket, screenshot it before you get in line. Service can get spotty, and it's just one less thing to worry about when a flood of people rushes a gate.
  • transiTALK Transportation Media Group
    Cross roads of 3 modes of transportation (Subway, Commuter Rail & Bus) and 3 separate transportation entities, NY-Penn is an underground city in itself that is not to be ignored. Check it out!
  • Karl W.
    Karl WarrenAugust 25, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    The food court on ticket level is actually quite nice. Lot's of choices at what New Yorkers call resonable prices...the rest of s call it expensive. Two Deli's here that are the real deal
  • John S.
    John SimpsonOctober 19, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    I you are on Amtrak 63 or 69 and traveling to Canada, you must check in beforehand and get your ticket stamped. These trains line up on main concourse before boarding.
  • Mikey D.
    Mikey DunnDecember 6, 2015
    Been here 100+ times
    NJT Tips to save a life: use Departure Vision on your phone to see if your track's announced, use the Amtrak 8th Ave side if it's crazy busy, and if there are delays: PATH it to Hoboken, don't wait.
  • Berk K.heart icon on user image
    Berk KapiciogluApril 21, 2014
    As one of New York's major train stations, this place needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch. It is one ugly train station, but our only public transportation option for commuting to Jersey.
  • Edward D.
    Edward DelfinoOctober 10, 2015
    I really like this place! There are so many food and drink options and its located near the heart of Manhattan. Public restrooms are pretty clean, all things considered.
  • Teresa H.
    Teresa H.November 12, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    Don't put your coat in an overhead bin before other people shove their carry-ons in. You won't recognize it when you get to your destination.
  • Joe D.heart icon on user image
    Joe DJanuary 20, 2017
    Been here 50+ times
    Amtrak? Go down the stairs in the center of the waiting area and there are status screens and a shortcut down to the trains. No need to wait in the mob to have your ticket checked.
  • Dave S.
    Dave SilverstoneSeptember 27, 2011
    Been here 25+ times
    When your Amtrak train is departing, you can avoid the line by sneaking down to the LIRR mezz (use the center stairwells) and going down to your track from there. Viola! No line, choice of seats!
  • Eddieheart icon on user image
    EddieApril 17, 2015
    Been here 25+ times
    Though most of the time it's quite busy, overall a easy way to commute to different places all over, which is a good thing. Most trains (LIRR) are on time and plenty of cops and national guard 2 help.
  • Gunnar A.heart icon on user image
    Gunnar AasenMarch 1, 2015
    Taking Amtrak? The old TV screens on the lower floor next to the track entrances show the departure gates slightly earlier than the big board upstairs.
  • Lee S.
    Lee SNovember 2, 2011
    Primo Cappuccino has tasty bagels with lox and flavored coffees you can mix together to create your own chocolate-hazelnut-raspberry combination.
  • 1YearOfSingle
    1YearOfSingleMay 27, 2016
    Been here 5+ times
    For a quiet Information board, go all the way to the West End Concourse.
  • Rich R.heart icon on user image
    Rich RumseyJanuary 17, 2015
    Been here 10+ times
    To avoid the crowds, wait on the lower level for Amtrak and New Jersey transit. Plenty of monitors to see which track to head to.
  • Rob P.
    Rob PegoraroOctober 4, 2014
    Been here 50+ times
    That cool, calm, slightly husky woman's voice you hear announcing destinations belongs to Sheila Herriott, and she's been doing that since 1983:
  • Metropolis magazine
    Metropolis magazineApril 10, 2012
    Designed by McKim, Mead, and White in 1910. The original Penn Station was an outstanding masterpiece of the Beaux-Arts style and one of the architectural jewels of NYC.
  • Hefe H.
    Hefe HofoMay 14, 2018
    If you are not from around here, it is hard to find anything in this station. Besides, don't expect to get help from the employees. Rude and pissed off. Better try passenger running by.
  • Antoine G.
    Antoine G.January 23, 2012
    Been here 10+ times
    It's a big station, there's too many of us here and we're all in a hurry, stop looking so shocked or scared that I brushed past you! Oh and please stay on your right in the stairs. Thanks
  • Matt G.
    Matt GiaquintoDecember 24, 2011
    Been here 10+ times
    If you're really polite and the employee is cool, you might get a heads up at the LIRR info window of your train's track assignment before it goes on the big board. Beat the crowd and snag a good seat
  • Jamie C.
    Jamie CahiwatAugust 1, 2014
    Been here 25+ times
    If you're traveling on NJ Transit, have a debit/credit card, and don't want the hassle of standing in line: Purchase tickets via the MyTix app. You can buy in advance!
  • Luna Park C.
    Historic Coney Island is less than an hour away by subway! Visit Luna Park and the Scream Zone, ride the world-famous Cyclone or grab something at the cafe while you watch the kids play.
  • Taylor R.heart icon on user image
    Taylor RothbellFebruary 20, 2015
    Been here 25+ times
    It's the only place I've been verbally assaulted multiple times for being in an interracial relationship. They throw salt in the wound by displaying pictures of the old, beautiful Penn Station.
  • Theodore K.
    Theodore KimSeptember 23, 2014
    The easiest way to navigate this crazy, boiling place is to remember the following: The 1,2,3 trains are close to 7th Avenue; the lettered trains (A,C,E) are on 8th.
  • Mikeheart icon on user image
    MikeMay 7, 2019
    Been here 100+ times
    A depressing dungeon that should be an example of all the ways not to design a train station!
  • Rosie V.heart icon on user image
    Rosie VallakiaApril 26, 2015
    First time riding on Amtrak and I actually am looking forward to go on it again! Gonna get a roomette or a super liner next time! Comfy seats and plenty of leg room!
  • Jim P.heart icon on user image
    Jim PenfoldJuly 7, 2019
    One of the two largest transit hubs in the Tri-state area (Grand Central is the other). Amtrak, NJ Transit, LIRR, MTA A, C, E, 1, 2, 3. Is an extremely busy place, slow down and follow the signs.
  • emiliano c.
    emiliano calosJanuary 13, 2015
    They offer FREE wifi ! , if you are taking Amtrak thill will be your hub. They have fast food, pharmacies and security 24/7. Be aware some shady characters do hang around the lobby at night.
  • Marie L.
    Marie La RueApril 7, 2019
    Deficient signage. Very hard to get around when you do not know the station very well. Thankfully other commuters are nice & helpful with directions.
  • Michael C.heart icon on user image
    Michael CFebruary 24, 2019
    Been here 50+ times
    Get anywhere in the area from here. If you are confused or nervous, the information desks are helpful and they will guide you.
  • Michelle C.heart icon on user image
    Michelle CAugust 15, 2016
    Been here 10+ times
    If traveling via Amtrak, leave the waiting area 20 minutes before your scheduled departure and wait with the crowds in view of the large board. There will be a mad dash to the gate when announced!
  • Craige M.
    Craige MooreMarch 30, 2010
    Nowhere else in the world (except maybe Popcorn Land?) can you find so many different popcorn vendors to choose from. The best ones are lower level, the long, white bags (not Zarro's and not the movie
  • Ayaz H.heart icon on user image
    Ayaz HyderSeptember 27, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    If you are waiting for Amtrak train by the T.G.I Fridays, look for the overhead AC vent. AC is awesome.
  • Samantha R.
    Samantha RiveraNovember 1, 2022
    Been here 5+ times
    For elevated dining options go to Moynihan, just built and connected to the station. Very fancy, non-train stationy options!
  • Joy S.heart icon on user image
    Joy SianMarch 22, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Don't be a social moron and talk on your cell longer than 10 mins. Be considerate of the shared space as you're not the only one on the train!
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